Coastal and Dredging Geotechnical Engineering
Coastal Restoration
AME has considerable experience in the coastal realm, including marsh restoration, shoreline protection, and beach nourishment projects to name a few. Our expert analyses include ECD assessments for stability, settlement, bearing capacity, and geotextile use. Other analyses we provide includes sheetpile closure, borrow area classification, marsh fill settlement, beach nourishment, and geotextile use.
Dredge Material Classification Services
If there is a lack of data or a change in conditions when dredging, we can assist with adapting to changing conditions by field testing and re-analyzing the data for reliable results. We provide services to owners, consultants, and dredging contractors for design, bidding, and construction phases.
Services & Solutions
Our services include but are not limited to:
- Marsh Creation, Ridge Restoration, Beach Nourishment, and Barrier Island Design
- Earthen Containment Dike (ECD), Ridge Restoration, and Terracing Analyses: Slope stability, settlement, bearing capacity, use of geotextile/geogrids, and shrinkage/swelling analyses
- Sheetpile Closure Analysis: embedment, sour, tie-ins to ECDs
- Borrow Area Analysis: Classification of soils, generation of depth-based plots, heatmap generation, cross-sections, hazard analysis (clay balling, shell, etc.)
- Marsh Fill Analysis: Fill and foundation soil settlement, settlement curve generation, fill sequencing
- Geotechnical Analyses for Shoreline Protection
Trust our specialized expertise for reliable results.