With changing climate conditions and rising sea levels, the need for resiliency and adaptation is a priority to all coastal communities. The repercussions of not planning are too great to fathom even far beyond the frontlines of our coastal communities. Administrations around the nation are planning for the changing conditions and AME has the ability and experience to help the authorities plan and achieve their coastal resiliency targets. AME has the expertise to develop solutions that are tailored for the specific needs of the communities and practical for implementation by the leading authorities in the region. AME provides permitting, planning, and geotechnical design for:
- Beaches – nourishment, new construction
- Marshes – creation, nourishment, sediment containment, terraces
- Shoreline protection – breakwaters, ridges, armoring, jetties, groins, living shorelines
- Levees, floodwalls, sheetpile plugs
- Sediment diversions
- Coastal structures – bulkheads, pump stations, piers